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31日まで!Meiji St.(ラフォーレ原宿)限定🥭🥥マンゴーココナッツブレッド
Meiji St.

Until 31st! Meiji ST. (Laforet Harajuku) Limited 🥭🥥 Mango Coconut Bread

Hello! OVGO BAKER🌞✨In no time, there are only a few places left in August.For the menu currently being offered at OVGOThere are things that end up until 31 days ... So today, we will introduce the...

こんにちは!アメリカンヴィーガンベイクショップのovgo Bakerです👩‍🍳🍪

Hello! OVGO Baker of American Vegan Bake Shop👩‍🍳🍪

Hello! This is OVGO BAKER.We are American Vegan Bake Shop, which started selling online in 2020.With "Doing Good Tastes So God, it's so delicious!) And provide a kind American cookie of Vegan that...

August🍹POP-UP Event info 今月は京都・福岡で開催!

August🍹POP-UP EVENT INFO This month is held in Fukuoka, Kyoto!

Hello! August POP-UP Information is notified👩‍🍳 It's August in no time🌞💦✨ This month, in addition to events to be held in Tokyo, we will also exhibit POP-UP stores in Kyoto and Fukuoka! If you hav...


August🌞A limited menu using lemon and coconut appears!

Hello! OVGO BAKER🌞🍪✨ The harsh heat is continuing, but how are you doing? OVGOBakerThen, we have prepared a limited menu that is perfect for summer, such as lemon cake and ice cream topped with ref...

夢のニューヨーク進出に向け、HI(NY)と共にパワーアップ! 合言葉「Doing Good Tastes So Good」のもと、新ブランドロゴを発表

Power up with HI (NY) for your dream of New York! Announced a new brand logo under the joint word "Doing Good Tastes so GOOD"

OVGO Co., Ltd. (located in Kugayama, Suginami-ku, 5-29-18 Forre Fujimigaoka 101, representative Yuki Mizozabuchi) celebrated the 2nd anniversary of its establishment in May 2022 and renewed the bra...


A new store is opened in Laforet Harajuku!

OVGO Co., Ltd. (located in Kugayama, Suginami-ku, 5-29-18 Forre Fujimigaoka 101, representative Yuki Mizobuchi) is OVGO B.A.K.E.R MEIJI ST. (Obgo Baker Mage Street, Shibuya Ward: Shibuya Ward on Tu...

2021冬のイベント第一弾 ダンデライオン・チョコレートを使用したベイクアイテムを販売!

2021 Bake items using the first winter event Dandelion Chocolate!

OVGO B.A.K.E.R, an American Vegan Bake Shop (Obgo Baker, OVGO Co., Ltd.), will sell various baked items using Dandelion Chocolate as a limited time as an event for 2021 winter.In addition, from Nov...

心にも身体にも優しいグルテンフリー&ヴィーガンの新シリーズMyrtle by ovgo(マートルバイオブゴ)が7月7日(水)より販売をスタート

Gluten -free & vegan's new series Myrtle by OVGO, which is friendly to the mind and body, will start selling on Wednesday, July 7

OVGO Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Representative Director Yuki Mizobuchi), which operates American Vegan Bake Shop OVGO B.A.K.E.R (Obgo Baker), has been a new series of Vegan & Glutin -free from July 7, 2021...

初の路面店『ovgo B.A.K.E.R Edo St.店』を東京・日本橋小伝馬町 江戸通りに2021年6月1日(火)オープン

The first street store "OVGO B.A.K.E.R EDO ST. Store" opened on Tuesday, 2021 on Edo -dori, Nihonbashi Kodenmachi, Tokyo.

In addition to the popular vegan cookies in the shop on the street corner of NY, a freshly baked vegan snack and a special drink.


The first street store opened. Cloudfunding started to complete a baked shop that is easy for the environment and the future.

OVGO B.A.K.E.R (Obgo Baker, OVGO Co., Ltd.) at the American Vegan Bake Shop (Ovgo Baker, Tokyo Co., Ltd.) is the first road store OVGO B.A.K.E.R Edo St. store (Kodenmacho, Tokyo, May 15, 2021 With ...

春のPOP UP『B.A.K.E.R’s Market』をオープン

Opened the spring pop up "B.A.K.E.R'S Market"

OVGO B.A.K.E.R (Ovgo Baker, OVGO Co., Ltd.) at Vegan American Bake Shop (Ovgo Co., Ltd.) from March 6, 2021 (Sat) to April 4 (Sun), Raforet Harajuku 2nd floor OVGO B.A.K.E.R, POP UP SHOP " B.A.K.E....

ラフォーレ原宿ポップアップ『Holiday Cookie Party』を開催

Laforet Harajuku pop -up "HOLIDAY COOKIE PARTY"

Vegan American Bake's OVGO B.A.K.E.R (Obgo Baker / Tokyo Metropolitan OVGO) is hosted by OVGO, 2020 from December 1, 2020 (Tuesday) at COINTAINER on the 2nd floor of Laforet Harajuku (Holiday Cook...