A gift you can send right now to someone even if you don't know their address!
This is a service that allows you to easily send gifts using the messaging tool.
*Please make your purchase by clicking the light blue "Send as an e-gift to someone whose address you don't know" button on the product page.
American Cookie Assortment Drip Coffee Set with PostCoffee
Sale price¥4,980
We also have other unique flavors that you can only find at ovgo! Be sure to check them out:)
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オートミールと米粉で作るクッキーは、ザクザク&ガリガリとした食感が特徴で、一度食べるとやみつきになる美味しさ! 今回はそんなこだわりの、ovgoオートミールシリーズをご紹介いたします💁🏼
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Meiji St.
ovgo Meiji St 🧁 ホワイトデー限定メニュー発売中!
ラフォーレ原宿店 ovgo Baker Meiji Stではホワイトデー限定メニューを販売しております。この季節にぴったりなあまくてキュートなお菓子たちをぜひお楽しみください🪽
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